Use "broke off relations|break off relation" in a sentence

1. Greece broke off relations with Turkey.

2. Astonishingly, Pound did not break off relations.

3. Nyerere was the first to break off relations.

4. We may break off relations with that country.

5. Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.

6. 13 Astonishingly, Pound did not break off relations.

7. Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany.

8. Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations with the regime.

9. They broke off diplomatic relations and closed the embassies in each other's country.

10. Breakoff From the web: what's break off; what break off synonym; what does break off mean

11. The Bulgarian government declared Heath persona non grata and the U.S. promptly broke off diplomatic relations.

12. In the wake of the bombing, the UK is threatening to break off diplomatic relations.

13. Washington imposed a trade embargo against Cuba in 1960 and broke off diplomatic relations some months later.

14. He... broke off the engagement

15. MemAgas amputate, break off, break up, bring down, chip, chop off, clip, crop, cut, cut back, cut down, cut off

16. He broke off with a shrug.

17. She broke off, incoherent with anger.

18. Broilings broils brokage brokages broke broke down broke even broke in broke loose broke off: Literary usage of Broiler

19. An off-season break costs £

20. Let's break off for lunch.

21. Don't break off the branch.

22. He broke off a piece of chocolate.

23. Did it break off or did someone break it?

24. Shall we break off the attack?

25. Let's break off for a minute.

26. Irene herself broke off the engagement in 788.

27. He broke off abruptly when Jo walked in.

28. He broke off and ordered a prawn cocktail.

29. He broke off a few squares of chocolate.

30. He broke off the twig with a snap.

31. Thieves broke in and ripped off five computers.

32. Yes, to blow off means to break off plans you had with someone.

33. Broilings broils brokage brokages: broke broke down broke even broke in broke loose broke off broke out broke the fourth wall broke up; Literary usage of Broiling

34. I broke my heel off one of my shoes.

35. You'll never break off our engagement again.

36. I broke off a twig and tossed it down.

37. She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.

38. 29: The USSR breaks off diplomatic relations with Finland.

39. Break it up and sell off the pieces.

40. They were obviously preparing to break off negotiation.

41. You saying you want to break it off?

42. Let's break off for a cup of coffee.

43. He broke off the engagement in a fit of jealousy.

44. We broke off our relationship without really thinking about it.

45. I gave it a tug and the zipper broke off.

46. We broke off our relationship without really thinking about it

47. I'm gonna break it off, make you eat it.

48. Let's break off and have a cup of tea.

49. For God's sakes, order that frigate to break off!

50. Get your hands on me, I'll break them off.

51. The take a break reminder is “off” by default.

52. 17 They broke free and made off in a stolen car.

53. 6 They broke in and made off with all the furniture.

54. 5 Masked robbers broke in and made off with $(

55. 27 The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact.

56. My son broke a rib when he fell off a ladder.

57. 30 He broke off the engagement in a fit of jealousy.

58. Aunt Pittypat's monologue broke off suddenly as she said inquiringly Mammy? ""

59. Photosensor switches light 'ON' and 'OFF' in relation to ambient brightness.

60. The air hammer broke, and the piston came off in his leg.

61. I'd like to find the punk who broke off my car antenna.

62. When these babies go off, all hell's gonna break loose.

63. The market took off because of a simple tax break.

64. Emergency procedures Knowledge and practice Take-off abort Emergency release Non-release Rope / cable break Off-field landing

65. These great ice islands break off -- and now watch this.

66. Eating such bread could break off part of one’s teeth.

67. 15 We flew off for a week's break in Spain.

68. He broke off lamely. He was confused, painfully conscious of his inarticulateness.

69. I think she broke off their engagement because she felt smothered by him.

70. I break off the search and start hanging around the apartment.

71. You want to break one off, aim it at the bomb.

72. We had to break off our holiday and return home immediately.

73. Annelids have the amazing capacity to regrow segments that break off

74. The vegetation broke off in his main coronary artery and caused an infarction.

75. An argument broke out and in the ensuing fight, a gun went off.

76. 2009, a series of off-season break-ins in Osage Beach.

77. See: (something) is the straw that Broke the camel's back all hell breaks loose all hell Broke loose be flat Broke bed and breakfast break (one's) ass break (one's) balls break (one's) duck break (one's) egg break (one's) fall break (one's) heart break (one's) stones break (one's) word break (someone's) serve break (something) on (something) break

78. I received the reports just few hours after I broke off the marriage.

79. Eventually both of the door's plastic hinge stubs broke, and it fell off!

80. Somebody broke into the shop and made off with several TVs and videos.